Kids Devotional
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Day 24 - Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem
Today’s Reading: John 11:32-44
Today’s Key Points:
1) Jesus is the teacher.
2) Jesus has compassion.
3) Jesus is Power for life.
Questions to Ponder
For you:
• How do you approach pain and sorrow? How is it like Jesus? How is it not?
• What would it look like for you to be angry at the sin in your own life?
• What situations in your life seem “dead?” How can you trust God for a “resurrection” in those circumstances?
For your children:
• In this story, who had died? Who were his sisters?
• What do we learn from Jesus’ tears? (Why did he cry?)
• What did Jesus do for Lazarus? What does this show us about his power?